Best way to describe it?
*sobs in corner for days*
There was a whole ordeal that went on, but when it finally came down to it, dying by hair back to its natural color was the best and easiest solution.
Basically, I had many different messages coming at me about my hair colour. Even though it was red: a NATURAL HAIR COLOUR, Rotary had some other opinions. I was called out in front of groups of people and made to feel bad because I "went against the rules".. even though we were not told anything about not allowing to dye or cut our hair before hand. I feel as though this entire thing was blown WAY out of proportion. I thought preparing to go on exchange was more about being EMOTIONALLY prepared then it was on esthetic values. Regardless, what's done can not be undone. yeah yeah Shakespeare.
but: Rotary does what is best for you. And even though I doubted their actions at first, I know it will be much MUCH easier to maintain.
You know what else is creepy? I look SO asian now. I wonder if that was the aim...